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Singleton Composition

This section provides instructions to define a singleton composition.

A singleton uses a single composition to store named objects of various types.

To define a simple singleton, which is storing an account name as primary value and a uint64_t as secondary value in structure config, follow the steps below:

Preparation And Initialization

Include the inery.hpp and singleton.hpp headers and declare the inery namespace usage.

#include <inery/inery.hpp>
#include <inery/singleton.hpp>
using namespace inery;

Define The Table Data Structure

Define the data structure for the indexed composition.


singleton compositions are genraly used for config table which needs only one instance, singleton guarante that only one composition instance is present when contract initilaized

struct [[inery::table]] config {
name admin_name;
uint64_t status_value;

Define A Singleton Type Alias

For ease of use, define a type alias singleton_type based on the inery::singleton template type, parametarized with a random name "config" and the config data structure. The names must adhere to INERY account name restrictions.

struct [[inery::table]] config {
name admin_name;
uint64_t status_value;
+using singleton_type = inery::singleton<"config"_n, config>;

Define The Singleton Instance

Define the singleton table instance as a data member of type singleton_type.

struct [[inery::table]] config {
name admin_name;
uint64_t status_value;

using singleton_type = inery::singleton<"config"_n, config>;
singleton_type singleton_composition;

Initialize And Use The Singleton Instance

Initialize the singleton_composition using the constructor with the parameters receiver and code (the last one in in this case is receiver.value). These parameters, combined with config, provide access to the partition of the RAM cache used by this singleton. In our example you initialize the singleton_composition data member in the value contract constructor, see below:

Singleton Contract Constructor
singleton_database( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ) :
contract(receiver, code, ds),
singleton_composition(receiver, receiver.value)
{ }

Now you have defined and initialized a singleton as a data member for the value contract class. You can access it from any of the value contract methods via singleton_composition data member. Below you can find a possible implementation for the full class singleton example contract.

#include <inery/inery.hpp>
#include <inery/singleton.hpp>
using namespace inery;

class [[inery::contract]] singleton_database : public contract {
using contract::contract;
singleton_database( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ) :
contract(receiver, code, ds),
singleton_composition(receiver, receiver.value)

void set( name owner, uint64_t value );
void get( );

struct [[inery::table]] config {
name admin_name;
uint64_t status_value;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return admin_name.value; }
} configrow;

using singleton_type = inery::singleton<"config"_n, config>;
singleton_type singleton_composition;


Below is an example for the get and set actions. It also demonstrates the usage of the get and set singleton methods. Note that the set action makes use of the singleton's set method, for which the second parameter is the payer account for the RAM needed to store the new value.