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Starting a Node

  1. Download Inery Node package

     git clone
  2. Export bin path

    After download is finished, go to inery.node directory

     cd inery-node/inery.setup

    Inside inery-node there is inery and inery.setup directories inery directory contains all binaries in order for blockchain protocol to work, those binaries path must be exported to OS enviroment

    Inside inery.setup there is and tools directory

    Give script permission for execution with "chmod" command:

    chmod +x

    To export path to local os envirment for inery binaries, inside inery.setup run script with --export options

    ./ --export

    Script has written path to .bashrc file, now in order to work you paste this line in terminal, it will refresh envirmental path variable for current terminall session

    source ~/.bashrc