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Retrieves table scope

Request Body
code string REQUIRED

name of the contract to return table data for

table string

Filter results by table

lower_bound string

Filters results to return the first element that is not less than provided value in set

upper_bound string

Filters results to return the first element that is greater than provided value in set

limit int32

Limit number of results returned.

reverse boolean

Reverse the order of returned results

show_payer boolean

Show RAM payer



rows object[]
code Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

scope Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

table Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

payer Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

count integer REQUIRED

Number of matching items.

more Name

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.