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Returns an object containing various details about the blockchain.



server_version string REQUIRED

Hash representing the last commit in the tagged release

chain_id string REQUIRED

Hash representing the ID of the chain

head_block_num integer REQUIRED

Highest block number on the chain

head_block_id string REQUIRED

Highest block ID on the chain

head_block_time string REQUIRED

Highest block unix timestamp

head_block_producer string REQUIRED

Producer that signed the highest block (head block)

last_irreversible_block_num integer REQUIRED

Highest block number on the chain that has been irreversibly applied to state

last_irreversible_block_id string REQUIRED

Highest block ID on the chain that has been irreversibly applied to state

virtual_block_cpu_limit integer REQUIRED

CPU limit calculated after each block is produced, approximately 1000 times block_cpu_limit

virtual_block_net_limit integer REQUIRED

NET limit calculated after each block is produced, approximately 1000 times block_net_limit

block_cpu_limit integer REQUIRED

Actual maximum CPU limit

block_net_limit integer REQUIRED

Actual maximum NET limit

server_version_string string REQUIRED

String representation of server version - Majorish-Minorish-Patchy - Warning - Not actually SEMVER!

fork_db_head_block_num integer REQUIRED

Sequential block number representing the best known head in the fork database tree

fork_db_head_block_id string REQUIRED

Hash representing the best known head in the fork database tree