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Returns an object containing various details about a specific account on the blockchain.

Request Body
account_name string REQUIRED


account_name Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

head_block_num integer REQUIRED
head_block_time DateTimeSeconds REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}$

Date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss

last_code_update DateTimeSeconds REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}$

Date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss

created DateTimeSeconds REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{3}$

Date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss

refund_request object REQUIRED
owner Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

request_time string REQUIRED
net_amount Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

cpu_amount Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

ram_quota WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

net_limit object REQUIRED
max WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

available WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

used WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

cpu_limit object REQUIRED
max WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

available WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

used WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

total_resources object REQUIRED
owner Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

ram_bytes WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

net_weight Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

cpu_weight Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

core_liquid_balance Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

self_delegated_bandwidth object REQUIRED
from Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.


Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

net_weight Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

cpu_weight Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.

net_weight WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

cpu_weight WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

ram_usage WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

privileged boolean REQUIRED
permissions object[] REQUIRED
parent string REQUIRED

The parent of this permission, if any

perm_name string REQUIRED

Name of this permission

required_auth object REQUIRED
waits object[] REQUIRED
wait_sec integer REQUIRED
weight integer REQUIRED
keys object[] REQUIRED
key PublicKey REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(INE|PUB_([RK]1|WA)_)[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]+$

Base58 encoded Inery public key

weight integer REQUIRED
threshold integer REQUIRED
accounts object[] REQUIRED
weight integer REQUIRED
permission object REQUIRED
actor Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

permission Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

voter_info object REQUIRED
owner Name REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

String representation of basic Inery name type, must be between 3 and 12 characters and contain only a-z and 1-5 and dot(.), but not at the end of the string.

producers Name[] REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[a-z]{1}[a-z1-5.]{1,10}[a-z1-5]{1}$

staked WholeNumber REQUIRED

A whole number

last_vote_weight string REQUIRED
proxied_vote_weight string REQUIRED
is_proxy integer REQUIRED

1 if true, 0 if false.

flags1 integer REQUIRED
reserved2 integer REQUIRED
reserved3 Symbol REQUIRED

Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([0-9]{1,32}.[0-9]{4} [A-Z]{1,7})$

A string representation of an Inery symbol, composed of a float with a precision of 4, and a symbol composed of capital letters between 1-7 letters separated by a space, example 1.0000 INR.